아네트 / Annette

Annette / 2021 / Leos CARAX / IMDb
★ 2.2

술취한 아저씨의 반복되는 레파토리의 두 시간짜리 타령. 너무나도 프라이빗한 것을 프라이빗하게 냅두지 못한 결과. 그의 속죄에 공감되지 않는다.

초반 시퀀스가 너무 좋아 기대를 했다. 근데 그게 끝. 중후반의 해체와 레오 까락스식의 라라랜드는 내겐 너무 벅찼다. 얼른 영화관 밖으로 나가고싶어 시간이 빨리 흘렀음 좋겠다고 생각했다. 좋지 않은 멜로디의 노래를 두 시간동안 반복해 듣는 것은 정말 괴로운 일이었다.

영화적 경험으로는 좋았기에 2점을. 하지만 그뿐이었다.

Country: France
Production Year: 2021
Running Time: 140min
Format: DCP
Color: Color
Program Note
Leos Carax, who has directed Boy Meets Girl (1984), Bad Blood (1986), and Holy Motors (2012), continues to reinterpret classic films as well as to explore potential of new ones. Annette, which was completed through an encounter between his passion for a musical piece and the music of American rock band Sparks, is no exception. The plot follows an opera singer (Marion Cotillard) and a stand-up comedian (Adam Driver) and how their lives change when they have a baby girl, Annette. Ultimately it is a tragic musical about a man who destroys himself and everything he loves because of his violent impulses. The actress’ gestures reminiscent of Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau’s silent movies, threatening shadows that are often seen in fantastic movies, Jacques Demy’s surrealistic and flashy colors, silence and music, and ugliness and beauty come together in this rock opera. This is, without a doubt, the best movie of the year. (SEO Seunghee)